
Showing posts from 2016

Machine Learning (ML)

What is Machine Learning (MI) Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence ( AI ) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can teach themselves to grow and change when exposed to new data. " A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. " Machine Learning is similar to "Data Mining" . But  it is different. Both systems search through data to look for patterns. In data mining - It extracts data for human comprehension . But machine learning uses that data to  detect patterns in data and adjust program actions accordingly . Machine learning algorithms are often categorized as being supervised or unsupervis

Microsoft Cognitive Services

What are Microsoft Cognitive Services ? Microsoft Cognitive Services let you build apps with powerful algorithms using just a few lines of code. They work across devices and platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows, keep improving, and are easy to set up.  Knock down barriers between you and your ideas. Enable natural and contextual interaction with tools that augment users' experiences via the power of machine-based AI. Plug them in and bring your ideas to life.  Follow the link :            Microsoft Cognitive Services provide the developers the powerful API's to bring the ideas of human to be understandable to the Machine or the Computer. That is a very cool thing to be  experienced. The list of services with API's Developers can experience many things like face detection, photo face age prediction and even weather they are happy or in sorrow. Like that in videos also. Those API s gi

Microsoft Bot Framework

What are bots? Basically a self running computer programmes which help people in many ways even without a hint. They do many things that a single person takes years to do, independently, 24/7 without  a rest. For a example, Google Bot. Always finds the pages with similar keywords by going through the every newly added websites and file them and categorize them to show in search results. A bot is basically powered by artificial intelligence and it is learning new things and words always Then What is a Chat Bot?  Chat bots are PC programs that copy discussion with people using artificial intelligence. They can change the way you connect with the web from a progression of self-started undertakings to a semi discussion. How Can We Create a Chat Bot? It is easy with Microsoft Bot Framework.  Follow the Link : You can use the bot framework they provide and create the bots and register them on the network for the use,  They prov

Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA)

An Online Learning Environment for all with world recognition.  Microsoft Virtual Academy's online courses are accessible to Developers, Students, Data Professionals and IT Professionals who need to grow their vocation knowledge and experiences. Whether you will probably learn Microsoft Office 365, make sense of the essentials of programming advancement, learn Microsoft Azure, have a go at application improvement, or something else totally, MVA gives precisely what you have to develop your insight. Find how to begin today. Follow the Link : As this is shown, there are courses for cloud developments, gaming developments, web , programming with C++,C#,Visual Basic and .net frameworks for every one with easy video tutorials and online assessments to test your knowledge. 1. Create a Microsoft Virtual Academy account and Profile 2. Take a course or attend a live event to build your skills 3. Track your progress and get recognized

A blog for Assessment Answers in the University

This is a blog site which is specially created for the University of Jaffna ,Applied Science ICT Students for their In-Course Assessments. Those assessments answers are not released and there is no any resource to even check their answers for students.  And the other hand , final practicals and theory papers are coming from the assessments questions. So it would be good if they can practice the assessments questions again before the final exam with the correct answers. For that , this blog link will be very useful. All the answers with the question paper are there and the subject references with relevant subject parts are there as a link. Also the some important software and notes are attached for free download and use website link :

ID Card Reader (Sri Lankan Only)

This is just a small application created for fun.Anyone can insert their National Identity Card number to this software and it will tell you the owner's birthday and gender. For free distribution.All rights reserved to the developer Client:  Request New Date:  From   April 2014 Service:  Java Standrad Application Develoment    Follow Link

MySQL Database Creator

This is a very useful utility software fore software developers and hardware engineers. This can easily create a database of MySQL under a given name and restore a backup onto it and connect a software with the MySQL database which is newly installed to the computer. Client:  Request New Date:  From   April 2014 Service:  Java Utility Software Develoment    Follow Link

Contact Detail Management Software

This application is created to manage someone's contacts like in a mobile phone. User Can add,delete,update and search their contacts easily. Client:  Request New Date:  From   April 2014 Service:  Random Access File Java Development    Follow Link

Web Market Management Application

This is a complete online marketing experience created for a whole sale shop which is facilitated with online order placing and stock managing. Client:  Vogan States / Request New Date: From   April 2014 Service:  Web Development /Java EE    Follow Link

Tea Factory's Tea Stock Management Software

This is created to manipulate the tea stocks. Raw Tea Stocks, Processed Tea amounts, Tea powder and Tea product are managed through this software. Client:  Request New Date: From   April 2014 Service: Network (R.M.I) Java Develoment    Follow Link